Wednesday 17th April 2019

MetaKube Dashboard / API MetaKube partial outage

2019-04-17 08:47 am

We are currently experiencing issues with the OpenStack infrastructure, MetaKube and some MetaKube clusters are running on. At the moment we are fixing the underlying issue and analyze which MetaKube clusters are affected and bring them back online again.

2019-04-17 09:22 am

The first effected Clusters are back online. Our MetaKube Engineering team is still working on a solution for every Cluster. If you mention any issues please feel free to contact our customer Support.

2019-04-17 10:04 am

Most of the effected Clusters are up and running in a normal stage. We are still working on this incident and come back with more information asap.

2019-04-17 10:32 am

Our monitoring and our personal checks show, that all customer clusters are up and running in a normale state. We close this incident and work on the root cause.

We will send out a RFO Report (Reason For Outage) as soon as we have identified all aspects of this issue.

If you still have problems with your cluster or identify unnormal behaviour in your cluster, please contact out customer Support.